What is Markdown and Why we use it ?
It is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting to your plain text . To create a markdown file we use .md extension .
Some Basic syntax of Markdown :
Note->Here we talk about the best practice to apply these syntax .
Basically heading are sub-categories in 6 category from Heading 1 to Heading 6 and we use hash(#) sign to represent it , the more no. of hash the more smaller heading it represent .
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
For paragraphs we don't use any special sign , we have to just start writing our statements and it be considered as a paragraph .
This is a paragraph line .
This is a paragraph line .
To bold the text , use two asterisk (*) sign before and after the text .
This is the way to **Bold** any text .
This is the way to Bold any text .
It is similar to bold syntax but instead of two asterisk(*) sign we use it here one asterisk sign only .
This is the way to *Italic* any text .
This is the way to Italic any text
Note -> We use bold and italic property simultaneously .
Hello could you ***Bold and Italic*** my text simultaneously .
Hello could you Bold and Italic my text simultaneously .
To show your text in highlighted block use greater than sign (>) before the text and we also nested them by using more sign .
>This is my first blockquote .
>>This is my second Blockquote with indentation one .
>>>This is my third Blockquote with two indentation .
This is my first blockquote .
This is my second Blockquote with indentation one .
This is my third Blockquote with two indentation .
There are two type of lists :
ordered list (also known as OL)
unordered list (also known as UL)
Ordered List
1. First Element
2. Second Element
1. Sub element of Second Element
3. Third Element
1. First Element
1. Second Element
1. Sub element of Second Element
1. Third Element
Ordered List
- First Element
- Second Element 1 . Sub element of Second Element
- Third Element
- First Element
- Second Element
- Sub element of Second Element
- Third Element
Unordered List
- First Element
- Second Element
- Sub element of second element
- First Element
- Second Element
- Sub element of second element
Note -> Use indentation for creating sub list and make sure you give at least single space between the sign and the text .
To show the code
Use triple back tick sign before and after the text and moreover we use language name also to make the syntax according to the language .
for (let i = 0;i < array.length;i++){
console.log("Hello to everyone");
Horizontal Line
Just use simply underscore(_) sign repeatedly .
To use the link in your text use this syntax -> Name
[Ineuron Official Page](https://ineuron.ai/)
To embed a image within your text , we use a syntax which follow as 
I hope this article will increase your knowledge and help you to create markdown files . I try to explain each topic in a easy and simple manner .
Thanks for Reading .