Css Selectors

Hello to everyone I know selecting the right selector for an element is little bit tricky . But believe me once you understand the concept , it's like a piece of cake for you .

Just keep in your mind , it is a journey not a one day workshop . So as much as you dig into it the more you get from it . So lets start your journey from this moment .

So what is Selector and how it affect the style of a web page

Basically selector is a name which is given by us or it is predefined (as a HTML Tag) in the html file .Now by using this name we target the particular element for styling our webpage .

Now Css Provide us different type of selector and some of them are :

  • ID selector

ID selectors are the most powerful type of selector . That sounds good, but that’s typically considered bad, because it’s nice to have lower-specificity selectors that are easier to override when needed.


<!-- WILL match -->
<div id="happy-cake"></div>

<!-- Will NOT match -->
<div id="sad-cake">Wrong ID!</div>


#happy-cake {

  • Class Selector

It is most useful and versatile selectors . They are well supported in all browsers. You can add multiple classes (just separated by a space) on HTML elements.


<!-- WILL match -->
<div class="module"></div>


.module {

  • Tag selectors

They are most useful when changing properties that are unique to that HTML element . HTML

<h2>Hi, Mom</h2>


h2 {

  • Attribute Selector


<aside class='closed' data-modal='open'></aside>


[data-modal="open"] {

  • Positional Selectors

There are different type of positional selectors are available here we use one of them just to show how it works .


  <!-- WILL match -->
  <li>yep, I'm #2</li>


:nth-child(2) {

  • Other Pseudo Selectors

:empty is one of many pseudo selectors, which you can recognize by the colon (:) in them. They typically represent something that you couldn’t know by just the element and attributes alone.


<!-- WILL match -->

<!-- WILL match -->
<aside data-blah><!-- nothin' --></aside>

<!-- Will NOT match -->
<div> </div>

<!-- Will NOT match -->


:empty {

  • Combined Selectors


.module > h2 {
  /* Select h2 elements that are direct children of an element with that class */
h2 + p {
  /* Select p elements that are directly following an h2 element */
li ~ li {
  /* Select li elements that are siblings (and following) another li element. */

.module.news {  
  /* Selects elements with BOTH of those classes */
#site-footer::after {
  /* Adds content after an element with that ID */
section[data-open] {
  /* Selects only section elements if they have this attribute */

There are some other types of selectors are also available , You can refer MDN docs for depth knowledge .

Thanks for reading .